Why is responsibility important to us?
We believe that consideration for the environment, society and governance (ESG) in all of our activities is not just right, but also that it helps us to create higher additional value for our customers, our interest groups, and for our staff at Executive Hunt.
Executive Hunt Oy, like every company, is closely linked to the environment, society,
and governance (ESG). We build sustainable, egalitarian, healthy, and diverse
communities by combining good environment, social, and governance capabilities.
The commitment communicates all areas of our business, including how we design
and build assignments, how we operate with our customers, and how we collaborate
with interest groups.
[E] Environment
We aim to consider the environment in everything we do. We believe that as a company and as individuals we can ensure environmentally friendly and sustainable development in the short and long term, and to minimise adverse effects on the environment.
We can influence the environment and the burden on it by means of travel and digital tools, for example. We are committed to reducing our energy and carbon impacts, as we believe that climate change is one of the biggest threats to our world.
[S] Corporate Social Responsibility
Corporate social responsibility is a significant and essential part of our operations. We ensure that we take care of our people by making our company a safe and rewarding place to work. As professional executive headhunters, we bear particular responsibility for the staff-related social impact of our customers and interest groups.
We also have a long history of providing significant and often change-promoting support to
the communities in which we operate.
[G] Good Governance
We consider governance practices to be necessary to create value for our customers, other interest groups, and shareholders. This includes a sensible approach to corporate governance, which aims to comply with all applicable legislation, rules, regulations, and practices, and to uphold the company’s values and business principles.
Our ESG vision
Executive Hunt Oy is committed to operating in compliance with good environmental,
social, and governance practices.
Our vision for implementing ESG in our business activities is:
- Responsible headhunting
- Measuring responsibility in our own operations as well as in customer assignments
- Reporting ESG implementation for individual assignments
Törmäämme ESG:n ympärillä olevassa keskustelussa useasti esimerkiksi ympäristöön liittyviin päästöihin. Johdon rekrytoinnin ammattilaisina olemme sitä mieltä, että kaikki lähtee ihmisistä. Emme Executive Huntilla näe ESG:tä vain “statement” muotoisena muodollisuutena vaan liikeideaamme tukevana kehyksenä. Toimeksiannoissamme on aina ympäristö, yhteiskuntavastuu sekä hallintotavat erittäin suuressa roolissa jotta pystymme toimimaan asiakkaidemme kanssa laadukkaasti ja rehellisesti.
Olemme käynnistäneet Executive Huntilla erityisen hankkeen, jossa keskitymme ESG:n näkökulmasta asiakkuuksiimme tuotettavaan hyötyyn sekä kehittämään työkaluja tavoitteiden asetantaan ja seurantaan. Hankkeessa keskitymme ESG Visiomme mukaisiin tavoitteisiin. Tuloksista ja työkaluista tulemme kertomaan lisää Kesällä 2023.